How to Give Inner Peace in Darkness and Light



The purpose of this retreat is to invite your receiver to enter progressively into the mysteries of love, mercy, healing and freedom. Or more directly, to receive unconditional love, forgiveness, healing or freedom from attachments. Usually one of these becomes the focus of desire for your receiver. If so, the other three will give extra meaning to her or his primary desire.

The lack of love, mercy, healing or true meaning in life can easily be felt as a darkness. The First Spiritual Exercises book describes such darkness, “There are many forms of inner darkness, the pervasive grey of disorder one’s life, the unrelenting black of living with evil or the results of sinfulness, the bleak nights of chronic illness or suffering, the dark pit of the unfree, where attachments imprison, and the blinding confusion that the bad spirit can wrap around one’s eyes.” So the express purpose of this retreat is to bring Light into your receiver’s life.

Zechariah, the uncle of Jesus, expresses this purpose well, By the tender mercy of our God, the dawn from on high will break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace (Lk 1:79).

Through exercises, then, you guide your receiver through this darkness into light and peace. These are not easy journeys, yet they are deeply needed by most people at some time in their lives. This retreat asks your receiver put her or his net into the “deep” water (cf. Lk 5:1–11) where Jesus will fill it with overflowing, liberating, life-giving graces.

Rescue from darkness


God has rescued us
from the power of darkness
and transferred us into the kingdom
of his beloved Son,
in whom we have redemption,
the forgiveness of sins.

In him all the fullness of God
was pleased to dwell,
and through him God was pleased
to reconcile to himself all things,
whether on earth or in heaven,
by making peace through the blood of his cross.

—Colossians 1:13–20

Please Note

Please do not read this guide if you have not yet received the Inner Peace in Darkness and Light retreat or are in the middle of receiving it. The reason is simple, you are unique as is your relationship with God. The graces you will receive will be yours, personal to your desires and God’s personal relationship with you. So reading this guide, or comparing your graces with others, runs the danger of creating unhelpful expectations. This guide is for Givers of the retreat not Receivers. Thank you for your understanding.

Retreat Map


Week One     The Mystery of Love

Monday         Inner peace

Tuesday         Recreation

Wednesday   Encouragement

Thursday       Harmony

Saturday        Particular Examen

Sunday           Memory of water


Week Three  The Mystery of Healing

Monday         Ephphahta! Be opened!

Tuesday         Stand up and walk!

Wednesday   Tormenting demon, come out!

Thursday       Talitha cum, rise!

Saturday        Healing Examen

Sunday           Sabbath for setting free




Week Two     The Mystery of Mercy

Monday         Father at work in the world

Tuesday         Spirit at work in my weakness

Wednesday   Light and darkness

Thursday       Jesus at work in tender love

Saturday        Reconciliation Examen

Sunday           Feast for a celebration


Week Four    The Mystery of Freedom

Monday         Praise

Tuesday         Reverence

Wednesday   Service

Thursday       Foundation for life

Friday             Program for Life

Saturday        Awareness Examen

Sunday           Being a light in the world

The Prayer Methods To Guide in this Retreat

New Prayer Method 1

Ex 23 – Inner peace


Immediately on waking, I rouse my desire for inner peace by imagining Jesus calming the sea around me. I will get dressed with thoughts like these.

At my prayer place, I stand, my mind raised up, I consider how God is looking at me with serenity. I make a gesture of reverence and humility.

Opening Prayer
I ask the grace to direct my whole self toward the Trinity.

I desire inner peace in the Trinity.

I read the prayer texts to understand the power of deep inner peace.

Using my imagination, I recreate a favorite place where, like Mary, I might sit happily with the Trinity. I imagine the details of place, sounds, smells, etc. Then, as guided below, I hear what each person of the Trinity has to say to me.

I turn to my Creator. He tells me not to be afraid, that he honors and loves me. I welcome his protection for the fires and floods of my life. I hear his assurance that I will never be abandoned or overwhelmed. Serenity descends upon me.

I turn to Jesus, who leans forward to tell me nothing shall ever separate me from his love. He takes my fears and troubles in his hands and gives me his peace. Inner peace fills me.

I turn to the Spirit, the comforter, who invites me to surrender myself to her.

I rest against the heart of God my Mother. Calm and quiet flow through me.

I end in a short conversation with the Trinity, giving thanks. Our Father.

How to Give This Exercise


The title of this exercise is “Inner Peace.” It is day one, Monday of Week One of this retreat, This exercise, and the exercises of the week, match imaginative contemplation with special prayer texts to create places where the receiver might find serenity, peace, newness, encouragement, and harmony.

Your receiver is asked to express the gifts of serenity and quiet, as if already received. This is a way to shape his or her desire for the same. If other gifts or feelings of the same come to your receiver, he or she should leave the text and go with what is being given by that person of the Trinity. Nothing is forced in this prayer.

The prayer method is imaginative contemplation, likely new to your receiver. In the Prayer point, the prayer texts have to be read slowly. Then good pauses are needed for your receiver to imagine and pray, between the creation of place and each conversation with the Trinity. Similar pauses are necessary in the Prayer point of the rest of the exercises this week.


Suggested Prayer Time: 30 Minutes
Preparation: 5 min. Opening Prayer: 2 min. Desire: 1 min. Prayer: 20 min. Conversation: 2 min. (Listening Book after prayer: 10 minutes).

New Prayer Method 2

Ex 29 – Father at work in the world


Immediately on waking, I rouse myself to sorrow by standing in the shoes of one who has seriously offended their partner, friend, or superior, who has in the past given them many favors. I get dressed with thoughts like these.

At my prayer place, I stand, to consider how the Father is gazing at me with mercy. I make a gesture of reverence and humility.

Opening Prayer 
I ask the grace to direct my whole self to service of the Father.

I desire the tender mercy of the Father, even though feeling embarrassment and confusion at how little I merit this mercy.

I read the prayer texts to consider how the Father works.

Then I consider one person who has become snared in a lifestyle of sinful choices or trapped because of one deadly sin. I imagine such a person or, knowing someone like this, I stand back to look objectively at his or her life.

I see how this person’s choices created a darkness that moved through their life, at home and work, how she or he became unfree, cut off from life. I consider how the person’s actions move against their lifelong fundamental goodness. I watch how destructive it is to others, how it hurts children and families, how corrosive of even past good. I understand this person might be justly condemned. Perhaps I have even grieved to see it.

Now I imagine the effects of the Father’s infinite mercy in this person. I watch forgiveness flow through his or her fundamental goodness and see it reawaken. I catch love mending self-worth and watch generosity bud on half-dead relationships. Slowly, a life turns around. All undeserved, yet given sustaining kindness in the face of its opposite. I go over this movement of mercy in more detail with my understanding, arousing my feelings as well.

I conclude by imagining Christ before me on the cross. I ask him why he, Lord of all creation, became human, and why he loved me and why he was killed.

Then, I ask myself, “What have I done for Christ? What am I doing for Christ? What ought I to do for Christ?”

Still seeing him on the cross, I go over whatever comes to mind. Our Father.


How to Give This Exercise


You will need to guide your receiver through this new exercise, to give her or him an example of the timing and pace of it. Afterwards, give your receiver time for questions to you based on her or his actual experience of it.

The first part of the prayer uses imaginative contemplation which is likely new to your receiver. Guide your receiver and let him or her find their way. Most receivers, after practice, find it comes to them and they suddenly feel in the real presence of Jesus.

In the second half, you need to be aware that your receiver may not have prayed in contemplative prayer. He or she can sometimes feel as if nothing is happening. It will be helpful to gently encourage your receiver, reminding him or her that they once one has come into the presence of God and expressed one’s desire, whatever follows in that silent presence is prayer.

Distractions are also likely in this prayer. Teach your receiver that all he or she needs to do is repeat one of the three desiring prayers, such as I remain in you. This will bring her or him back into relationship with God, and thus prayer.


Suggested Prayer Time: 35 Minutes
Preparation: 5 min. Opening Prayer: 1 min. Desire: 1 min. Prayer: 20 min. Conversation: 8 min. (Listening Book after Prayer: 10 minutes).

New Prayer Method 3

Ex 31 – Light and Darkness


Immediately on waking, I rouse myself to urgency, seeing Jesus ready to show me the real effects of both love and sin. I get dressed with thoughts like these.

At my prayer place, I stand, to consider how Jesus is gazing at me with mercy. I make a gesture of reverence and humility.

Opening Prayer 
I ask the grace to direct my whole self to the service of Jesus.

I ask for an interior sense of the joy felt by those in heaven so that, if lost, powerless, or tempted, I will always remember the love of my eternal Lord.

I read the prayer texts to see how actions of love and sin have very real effects.

The First Step is to see with the eyes of the imagination, the length, breadth and height and depth of heaven—what is it like? What might I experience?

1. I look with the eyes of my imagination at the great heart of God, at the dance of the risen receiving and giving love. What else do I see?

2. I hear with my ears, laughter, bird song, praises, waterfalls, music and conversations between Jesus and my family and friends. What else do I hear?

3. I smell with my sense of smell, new cut grass, the sea, home cooked food, spring breezes, fragrant oils and the new born. What else do I smell?

4. I taste with my sense of taste the sweet things, like homecoming, a stolen kiss, a birthday, a child’s wonder, harmony in conscience. What else do I taste?

5. I feel with my sense of touch, the caress of intimacy in the Trinity. I feel whole and healed in my body. I embrace those I love. What else touches me?

The Second Step is to imagine, with the same five senses, the opposite of the above, what I might experience through the effects of sinfulness. So the image of hell, eternal aloneness, the endless bray of the selfish, the stink of evil, etc.

The Third Step is to consider how both these realities and effects are here on earth, the first, in the growing Kingdom of God where the hungry, thirsty, sick, naked, and imprisoned are cared for, and the second, in the places where we see “hell on earth.” In this vision, God sets before me life and death, to be a life giver or a life destroyer, now and eternally. Which do I choose?

I talk to Jesus, grateful that death has not taken my life. I thank him for his constant, loving kindness, right up to the present moment. Our Father.


How to Give This Exercise


The image of relationship with God used in the Preparation point is usually taken from the first prayer text. The second point Opening Prayer and the last point Conversation  is the same every day.

The third point Prayer has the greatest content, so you can shorten or lengthen the time spent in this point, according to the time available for prayer.


Suggested Prayer Time: 35 Minutes
Preparation: 5 min. Opening Prayer: 1 min. Desire: 1 min. Prayer: 20 min. Conversation: 8 min. (Listening Book after Prayer: 10 minutes).

New Prayer Method 4

Ex 34 – Ephphatha!


Immediately on waking, I rouse myself to hope by seeing myself as a deaf person, getting ready to go with friends to the roadside, knowing that Jesus will be passing by. I will get dressed with thoughts like these.

At my prayer place, I stand, to consider how Jesus is gazing at me with gentle compassion. I make a gesture of reverence and humility.

Opening Prayer
I ask the grace to direct my whole self to service of Jesus the healer.

I desire to see, hear, and speak clearly.

I read each of the prayer texts to know how Jesus healed the blind and deaf.

Then I choose one of the three healing stories for my prayer. I enter the scene, imagining in some detail, the place, weather, people, conversations, and sounds. I experience the actions and feelings as they unfold.

1.If I feel deaf and dumb in a relationship or work situation, I take the place of the deaf and dumb man brought to Jesus. I enter the gospel scene. I sense my friends begging Jesus to lay hands on me. I hear him say, “Ephphatha!” that is, “be opened!” as he opens my ears and tongue. I allow the story to unfold. I hear my first sounds, I speak in wonder.

2. If I feel blind, in some way, wrapped in a cloak, and reduced to sitting on the side of life’s road, I take the place of Bartimaeus. I enter the gospel scene. I yell to get the attention of Jesus, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” I allow the story to unfold. Now I see.

3. If I have a chronic illness, draining relationship, or prolonged suffering, I take the place of the blind man guided to Jesus. I enter the gospel scene. I hear Jesus asking, “Can you see anything?” I relive the experience of being half-healed, in a halfway place, half alive. I allow the story to unfold. I see clearly.

Then, I surrender my vulnerabilities and healing to the Lord, that he may better work through me. I offer, if he wills, to help heal and encourage others.

I give thanks to God for my faith, the gift that Jesus declares “makes me well.”

We share our feelings and thoughts. Our Father.


How to Give This Exercise


The title of this exercise is “Ephphatha! Be Opened.” It is day thirteen, Monday of Week Three of this retreat. The prayer method is imaginative contemplation. All the prayer texts are read but your receiver chooses only one healing relationship to pray.

Jesus words of healing, as found in the gospels, are often exclamations. In your guiding you might give the exercise with similar power, energy, and wonder.

Please note, if this prayer takes your receiver to a past event that still holds a lot of suffering, advise your receiver not become submerged in the event, else he or she can be trapped and replay all its feelings. Rather, have your receiver stand outside the scene with Jesus, deliberately detached, and gently talking to him about then and now.


Suggested Prayer Time: 35 minutes.
Preparation: 5 min. Opening Prayer:1 min. Desire: 1 min. Prayer: 20 minutes. Conversation: 8 min. Listening Book after prayer: 10 minutes each.

New Prayer Method 5

Ex 40 – Praise


1. I enter into the gift of praise.

I read the prayer texts to contemplate the reality of praise.

I imagine myself in the relationships, becoming the lame man, Elizabeth, Mary or Jesus.

I awaken my praised and praising heart.


2. I ask the Holy Spirit for help.

I ask for guidance in this spiritual exercise.


3. I review and journal my experience of praise.

How, when and for what do others praise me?

How, when and for what do I praise myself?

How, when and for what does the Lord praise me?


4. I respond to what has emerged.

I express to Jesus how I feel when I am praised or praising.

I seek to understand how praise will enhance life.

I praise him.


5. I choose for the future.

I contemplate my journal to see what patterns have emerged in answering point three:

Are there similar gifts? Revealing differences?

What consoles me or enlivens me? What desolates or deadens me?

Which gifts, revealed in praise, are the most important to me? Those I can do without?

I journal these patterns, insights and priorities. Our Father.


How to Give This Exercise


The title of this exercise is “Praise.” It is day nineteen, Monday of Week Four of this retreat. This exercise is repeated three times, beginning with praise and then replacing praise with reverence, and then service. Explain to your receiver the need to use his or her Listening Book for responses to the questions asked in the third point. Essentially you are guiding him or her to recall life experiences of praise, reverence and service. In point five, your receiver uses the notes made in point three to find patterns and make priorities.

In the fourth exercise, you give your receiver four versions of the Foundation text, of which one is chosen. Each text is broken up into four clear parts. If this retreat is given to a group, the four Foundation texts may be read to great effect by reading part one in each text, and then part two in each text, etc. Each version enlightens the others and so the meaning of the whole Foundation.

After a Foundation text is chosen, your receiver uses her or his Listening Book to listen to the insights of the previous three exercises noted under point five. She or he does this under point three of the exercise. Then in point five, your receiver chooses two practical actions.

It would be difficult to guide this exercises by voice. Rather, go through the steps required in the exercises this week, answer any questions, and let your receiver make the exercises alone. Stress to your receiver that time is needed to ponder each question in turn, in both the third and fifth points of the exercises. The answers will be revealing.

Suggested Prayer Time: 35 minutes.
Preparation: 5 min. Opening Prayer:1 min. Desire: 1 min. Prayer: 20 minutes. Conversation: 8 min. Listening Book after prayer: 10 minutes each.

Prayers of Desire in this retreat

Week One

I have called you by name, you are mine.

You are precious in my sight, and honored, and I love you.

Do not let your heart be afraid.

O Lord, my eyes are not raised too high.

Receive the Holy Spirit.

Week Three

Ephphatha! Be opened.

Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!

My teacher, let me see again.

Come out of the man, you unclean spirit!

Teacher, but if you are able to do anything, have pity on us and help us.

I believe; help my unbelief!

Talitha cum! Little girl, get up!

Young man, I say to you, rise!

Roll back the stone. Unbind him, and let him go.

Week Two

Have mercy on me, O God, according to your steadfast love.

Teach me wisdom in my secret heart.

O God, and put a new and right spirit within me.

Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.

God, be merciful to me, a sinner!

Father, I am no longer worthy to be called your son.

Choose life.

Week Four

My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.

This is my Son, the Beloved, with whom I am well pleased.

Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.

I am the Light of the world.

Please note.  For greater depth in the content and dynamic of this retreat see the Manual  here.